Word of the Week: SAVIOR
In our Word of the Week, Pastor Mark Tiefel discusses the word Savior. The Bible talks about the word savior in many different contexts. God is described as a savior, as were certain kings or judges. But the central message of the Savior in Scripture points us to Jesus as our Savior. In Isaiah, God says that there is only one Savior. The fulfillment of that Savior who was prophesied is declared by the angels in Luke 2:11: “For there is born to you, this day, a Savior who is Christ the Lord.” Jesus who was born for us was sent to save us from our sin. Paul says that Jesus is our Great God and Savior (Titus 2 and 3). To call Jesus Savior, is to confess Him as God. Jesus is both True Man and True God, born to be our Savior. It is this Savior that we rejoice in and celebrate at Christmas and throughout the year.