Daily Devotion – February 28, 2019
What is the Sabbath and how does it affect us in the New Testament? Pastor Tom Naumann takes us into the book of Genesis and the foundation for the Sabbath, which means “rest”. God knew our need and required that His Old Testament people rest from their work, and dedicate that time to God. This rest was a picture of the ultimate rest that God would give through the death of Jesus on the cross. This day of rest was a shadow of our rest in Christ. As New Testament believers, we are not required to keep the Old Testament laws of the Sabbath, because they are fulfilled in Christ, but we do rejoice in the salvation won for us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus every Sunday.
source https://burdenblessing.podbean.com/e/word-of-the-week-sabbath/
Pastor Ben Libby joins Pastor Sam Rodebaugh to study the Old Testament book of the Prophet Haggai. Haggai had the changeling task of prophesying to the people of Judah who had just come back from the exile in Babylon. He was sent with the job of taking these people to task over their attitude of apathy and inadequacy, and to get them to “consider their ways”. They needed to rebuild God’s Temple. While this was a seemingly daunting task, God assures them that He was with them, and they could expect blessings. God does promise earthly blessing to His believers, but even more powerful was the ultimate blessing that He was going to give. He would shake heaven and earth and send forth “The Desire of Nations” (Jesus Christ), and He would fill this new temple with His presence. Join us to learn more about the book of Haggai and the blessings that are promised to His believers!
source https://burdenblessing.podbean.com/e/bible-study-haggai/