Bible Study – Psalms
In our Bible Study episode this week, Pastors Neal Radichel and Nathanael Mayhew take us into the Old Testament book of Psalms. This is a favorite book for many people, but at the same time it can be very intimidating because it can be difficult to understand the historical context or background of many Psalms. This “Book” contains 150 individual “songs” that are all unique. This is the Hymnal of the Old Testament and were often set to music with elaborate instruments. The 150 Psalms were grouped into 5 different sections or “books” in which you can find certain themes or similarities. There are Psalms that cover many different aspects of life including: Prayer, History, Trust, Despair, Sin, Repentance and much more. So there is much application to our daily lives. In addition, throughout the Psalms you will see God’s love for His people and His promise to send a Savior Who would deliver us from the punishment of our sin by suffering and dying in our place. The Psalms are a wonderful source of comfort and encouragment for us still today as they point us to Jesus and His work as our redeemer.