CPR – Are You Motivated to Give? – Stewardship (Part 1)

CPR – Are You Motivated to Give? – Stewardship (Part 1)

In today’s CPR, Retired Pastor Mike Schierenbeck joins Pastor Neal Radichel to discuss the topic of Christian Stewardship and specifically, what our motivation should be as we bring our tithes and offerings before the Lord. This can be a difficult topic to discuss because of the fear of giving the wrong impression that the church is all about money. However, we should discuss this topic as it shows us the privilege we have to give thanks to our God by giving back to Him from what He has so graciously given to us. In our study, we will discuss what it means to be a steward, what some of the wrong motivations are in giving, and finally, what the proper motivation should be for Christian Stewardship. We pray that this study will be a blessing to you!

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