Word of the Week: Intercede
What does it mean to intercede? Well, quite simply it means to go in between, to go on the behalf of one party and plead their case before another. This is something that we sinners need when going to the Holy God. God Himself provides us such intercession. The Holy Spirit takes our prayers and improves them, and brings them to God. And, of course, Jesus Christ is our great go-between. We see this in His office as our Great High Priest. Not only does Jesus go on our behalf to God the Father, but He is also the sacrifice that makes such an intercession possible in the first place. Thanks be to God that we do have Jesus Christ the Righteous! Offered was He for greatest and for least, Himself the victim and Himself the priest!
source https://burdenblessing.podbean.com/e/word-of-the-week-intercede/