Word of the Week – Pentecost
In anticipation of our celebration of Pentecost this coming Sunday, Pastor Rob Sauers takes us through a study of the word Pentecost. Typically, when we think about Pentecost, we think about the events of Acts 2, but Pentecost actually was an Old Testament festival. Referred to as the Feast of Harvest or the Feast of Weeks, this was one of the three main pilgrim festivals of the Old Testament. The festival gains new meaning in Acts 2 as the Holy Spirit comes and through His word brings 3,000 people to faith. Our celebration of this day focuses on the coming of the Holy Spirit who has brought us to faith and continues to strengthen our faith through Word and Sacrament.
source https://burdenblessing.podbean.com/e/word-of-the-week-pentecost/