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Month: November 2019

Bible Study: 1 Thessalonians

Bible Study: 1 Thessalonians

Are you interested in eschatoloty? That is a study of the “Last Things” or the events of Christ’s final return. In our overview of 1 Thessalonians we will see that Paul was already preparing the early New Testament church for Christ’s return. He speaks about death, the resurrection, and what we should do as we wait for that day to come, as well as much more that is appropriate for us to consider as we wait for our Savior. Join us for this important review! 


Word of the Week: Doctrine

Word of the Week: Doctrine

This week we consider the word “doctrine” — a word which is looked down upon in our society today, but is very important in the life of a Christian. Doctrine means “teaching” and can be “sound” (that is good) or “false” (that which is not true).God gives doctrine in His word, and as Christians we rejoice that God’s doctrine doesn’t change and it is extremely important for our lives on this earth! For this reason it is something that we should know and also understand!


CPR – Leadership and Submission in Marriage

CPR – Leadership and Submission in Marriage

As a follow up to our Word of the Week series on marriage, join Pastors Ben Libby and Nathanael Mayhew as they discuss the Biblical perspective on the roles God has laid out in marriage and especially what it means to lead and submit within the marriage relationship. Join them as they look at the Bible passages that lay the foundation and present this topic clearly and as the discuss how this is to carried out within the relationship between husband and wife. While the world around us rebels against God’s instituted order in marriage, an honest look at Scripture reveals that God’s plan is good when we show love for God and love for our spouse.


Word of the Week: Catechism

Word of the Week: Catechism

Do you know what a Catechism is? Simply, it is a book of instruction. In our word of the week today we will consider the word Catechism and learn why it is such an important tool for the Christian. It covers the basic teachings on the Bible, gathering passages on the same topic into one place so that you can see the big picture, and grow in your knowledge of what God has done. The Catechism is an extremely valuable resource for child and adult alike!


Word of the Week: Catechism

Word of the Week: Catechism

Do you know what a Catechism is? Simply, it is a book of instruction. In our word of the week today we will consider the word Catechism and learn why it is such an important tool for the Christian. It covers the basic teachings on the Bible, gathering passages on the same topic into one place so that you can see the big picture, and grow in your knowledge of what God has done. The Catechism is an extremely valuable resource for child and adult alike!


Word of the Week: Submission / Leadership

Word of the Week: Submission / Leadership

In our concluding Word of the Week in our Marriage series, we consider the word “submission” and “leadership.” We go back to Ephesians 5 as we consider what God has to say about the roles of husbands and wives in their relationship to one another. The LORD says that husbands are to love their wives with a self sacrificing love, and wives are to respect and submit to their husbands. While this is rebelled against in our world today, this is an important and necessary principle that is needed in the marriage relationship, as it is in many relationships. This does not mean that the husband is better or more important than the wife, but rather about an important established order for the good of the family. 


Bible Study: 2 and 3 John

Bible Study: 2 and 3 John

Join Pastors Ben Libby and Joe Naumann to digs into the short and somewhat unfamiliar Second and Third letters of John. They will discuss the man whom the Holy Spirit used to record these two letters as well as the content of these two letters. They will discuss the topic of the church and the doctrine of fellowship and the relationship between members of the church. These letters present some warnings to the church, as well as some very important encouragement.


Word of the Week: Inspiration

Word of the Week: Inspiration

Join Pastor Tom Naumann as he defines the word Inspiration and describes the importance of this doctrine in Christianity. Inspiration expresses the truth that every word of the Bible is true because it comes from God. Literally it means: God breathed. God breathed the very words of Scripture into the writers of the Old and New Testament. Since it is God’s Word there can be no errors. It is true, it is clear, and is everything that we need for salvation. 


Hymn Review: For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest

Hymn Review: For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest

Join Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Ben Libby on this All Saints’ Day review and discuss a very appropriate, familiar and favorite hymn: For all the Saints. They will discuss the author and composer of the text and tune and take a look at the meaning of the words and their Biblical foundation. As we remember the saints who have gone before us on this All Saints’ Day what a joy to remember the victory that Christ has won for them and for us through His life, death and resurrection!
