Hymn Review: As with Gladness Men of Old
January 6th has long been the date when the church celebrates Epiphany and the visit of the Wise Men to the Christ Child. This event, recorded in Matthew 2 is distinct from the account of Christmas recorded in Luke 2 and is often called “Christmas for the Gentiles.” Join Pastors Ben Libby and Nathanael Mayhew as they study the historical event of the visit of the wise men and one of the hymns that tells that story: As with gladness men of old. We will learn about Epiphany, and look at the application of the account of the wise men to our lives today, and review the history behind this 250 year old Epiphany hymn.
source https://burdenblessing.podbean.com/e/hymn-review-as-with-gladness-men-of-old/