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Author: Nathanael Mayhew

Review – The Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Veith

Review – The Spirituality of the Cross by Gene Veith

In this episode Pastors Mark Tiefel and Nathanael Mayhew discuss and review Gene Veith’s book, “The Spirituality of the Cross.”  Veith presents the truth of how Christianity differs from the religions of the world, and how Lutheranism emphasizes the truths of God’s Word better than other Christian denominations.  Veith writes about the doctrines that separate Christianity from false religions and what distinguishes Lutheranism from the rest:  Justification, the Means of Grace, the Theology of the Cross, Vocation, and the Two Kingdoms.  Veith warns of moralism (earning salvation by your works), speculation (earning salvation through knowledge) and mysticism (gaining salvation through emotion).  God works outside of sinners in the person of Christ to accomplish salvation for sinners.  This book is a must read for those who are searching for the truth of God’s salvation, or who would like to grow in their understanding of God’s work of salvation. 

Word of the Week: RANSOM

Word of the Week: RANSOM

In our continuing Word of the Week study forAdvent, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew defines the Biblical word Ransom.  Literally the word ransom, means to loose, and is used to describe purchasing realaese from slavery or captivity.  Psalm 49:7 says that a man cannot redeem his brother or pay to God the ransom for his soul.  There is a close connection between the words redeem and ransom.  Redemption is the act of purchasing freedom for another, but ransom is the price paid – the cost to set one free.  This is why Jesus came to this earth.  He came to give His life as a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28).  The price for our ransom was the death of Jesus.  We deserved death and He suffered the agonies of hell in our place to purchase our release.  Paul says that Jesus “gave Himself a ransom for all” (1 Timothy 2:5-6).  That is what Advent is all about.  The coming of the One who would give His life on the cross to ransom us from sin, death and the devil.  What comfort is offered to sinners in that precious truth!  

CPR – Old Testament Ceremonies and Laws

CPR – Old Testament Ceremonies and Laws

In this episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Mark Tiefel and Nathanael Mayhew go into the Old Testament to discuss the Old Testament law and ceremonies that God gave to His Old Testament people, the nation of Israel.  It is important to note there there are three kinds of laws given by God to His O.T. people:  Civil laws (governing the nation of Israel), Ceremonial laws (governing Israel’s worship and ritual), and Moral laws which govern all people of all time for the good of society.  They present some examples of those Old Testament laws and ceremonies (for example:  washings, dietery restrictions, animal sacrifices, worship days and regulations, circumcision, and tithing) and talk about how these laws differ from the Moral Laws that apply to all people of all time.  Ultimately, many of the ceremonial laws pointed ahead to Jesus and the work of salvation that He would fulfill in the future.  Now that is complete and these laws no longer serve the purpose they once served (see Colossians 2:16-17).  If you have had questions about why some Old Testament Laws apply to us today and others do not, this episode is a must listen!  They will present the Biblical foundation and application of these laws for both Old Testament and New Testament people.  

Word of the Week: ADVENT

Word of the Week: ADVENT

As we enter the season of Advent in the church year, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew explains the origin and meaning of the word “Advent.”  Advent is the first “season” of the Christian church year, which is a time of excited waiting for the coming of Jesus.  The word advent comes from the Latin and means “coming” or “arrival”, and is used to refer to three “advents” of the promised Savior.  The first advent of Jesus began as a baby born in Bethlehem and culminated in His sacrificial death on a cross for the sins of the world.  His final advent will take place on the Last Day, when he returns from heaven in glory to judge the living and the dead.  But Jesus is also coming to us right now.  He comes to us in His Word and Sacraments to bring us from spiritual death to life through faith.  All three of these Advents are necessary for sinners.  Thanks be to God for his salvation through the advents of Jesus the Christ.  And so we pray, “Come Lord Jesus!”

Bible Study – Philippians

Bible Study – Philippians

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Neal Radichel go through a study of Paul’s letter to the Philippians.  They will discuss the background of the letter, as well as the doctrinal content.  When he wrote this letter he was in jail in Rome and awaiting trial, yet it is known as his letter of joy.  In this letter of joy, Paul presents some important truths regarding the person and work of Christ and much more.  He presents the humiliation and exhaltation of Christ as well as the two natures of Christ (Chapter 2); the resurrection of Jesus and the heavenly citizenship Christ has won for sinners (Chapter 3); the role of every Christian in the work of Christ’s kingdom.  They look at the role of Epaphroditus and Timothy and their service to the Lord alongside Paul and others.  Listen for yourself and consider the value of this short book and the encouragement to rejoice in the Lord in any and every circumstance!

Word of the Week: THANKSGIVING

Word of the Week: THANKSGIVING

In our Word of the Week in preparation for Thanksgiving, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew discusses giving thanks from the Bible.  God certainly deserves our thanks as our Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier.  All people, both believers and unbelievers are encouraged to give thanks, for we all have been given rich blessings from God.  We are encouraged to give thanks not only for ourselves, but also for others in fact for all people.  Jesus gives us an example of praying for our daily food as he prayed and gave thanks for the bread and fish which He distributed to the multitude.  What an important reminder for us, that we too should take time out to give thanks to God as we sit down for a meal, remembering that this too comes from Him.  It is also good to give thanks to God in worship as we rejoice in His greater gifts of eternal life and salvation through Jesus Christ.  “Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms” (Psalm 95:2).   Indeed we have much for which to be thankful to our God.  His blessings of body and soul are richly abundant!

Bible Study – The Book of Jonah

Bible Study – The Book of Jonah

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Neal Radichel take us into the Book of Jonah.  Jonah is unique in many ways to the other prophets in the Old Testament.  The LORD gave Jonah two clear commissions, or commands, in which Jonah shows disobedience to God and prejudice against those to which God sent him.  Begin to explore the depths of this short book and understand more about the LORD’s divine discipline and correction, His divine power and protection, and His divine purpose and mercy.  Hear how Jesus demonstrates how the “sign of Jonah” would be evidence of His absolute power over the bellies of Sheol.   Jonah’s message is clear.  But its a message he himself also needed to be reminded that, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs” (Jonah 2:8).  Listen for yourself and decide whether Jonah was a Misfit or Missionary, and how the Word of God reveals how you may be like Jonah in more ways than you think!

Word of the Week: CONSCIENCE

Word of the Week: CONSCIENCE

our Word of the Week for this Election Day, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew discusses the word conscience.  The conscience that part of the human being that God has created and given to help us distinguish from what is morally good or bad (Romans 2:14-15).   A true or good conscience is not subjective and different for everyone, but given by God to reinforce what God has revealed about right and wrong in His holy law (10 Commandments).  The Bible speaks of a “good conscience” and an “evil conscience” and even refers to a “weak conscience.” A good conscience functions in perfect harmony with God’s will from faith (1 Timothy 1:5). While God has given human beings a conscience to be a constant reminder of what we should or should not do, the conscience can be weakened or corrupted (1 Timothy 4:1-4; 1 Corinthians 8:7-12). If a conscience is good, it will be in accord with God’s Word and the same for everyone.  But often our consciences are weakened or corrupted by sin.  The real source of right and wrong is not our feelings, but God’s objective truth found in His Word.   As you vote today, do so following God’s objective truth, with confidence in Him. Listen, learn and grow in your understanding of God’s Word and how it applies to our daily lives!

CPR – The Christian and Voting

CPR – The Christian and Voting

In this episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Mark Tiefel and Nathanael Mayhew offer some Biblical thoughts and insights into the role of the Christian as citizens and what to consider as we prepare to vote this coming week.  They will talk about why voting is important, and what a Christian should consider when voting.  What political issues should the Christian consider as they think about casing a vote for a particular candidate?  Can a Christian, in good conscience  support or vote for a candidate who is immoral?  They will consider the example of Daniel and Joseph in the Bible and how they remained faithful to God’s Word, but also served in a heathen government.  Finally they will look at the Christian’s response if the candidate that they vote for is not elected.  Where does our hope finally need to rest?  We hope this will serve as an encouragement to you to get informed, and exercise your right to vote next Tuesday, but also to trust in the LORD regardless of the outcome!

Word of the Week: JUSTIFICATION

Word of the Week: JUSTIFICATION

In our Word of the Week for this Reformation Day, Pastor Mark Tiefel defines the Biblical word Justification.  He discussed justification in its objective and subjective sense.  Christ’s death is an objective truth through which all sinners have been declared not guilty before God (Romans 3:23-24, 28; Romans 4:25; Romans 5:18-19) but the benefits of this declaration is received by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 2:16)  We are all sinful. But through God’s work for sinners in Christ and through faith, we have been justified (1 Corinthians 6:9-11; Romans 1:16-17).  Thanks be to God!  Listen, learn, study and proclaim God’s Word of Truth as faithful heirs of the Reformation!