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Author: Nathanael Mayhew

Reformation Special – The Priesthood of All Believers (CPR)

Reformation Special – The Priesthood of All Believers (CPR)

In this special Reformation episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Neal Radichel and Mark Tiefel discuss the important Reformation topic of the Priesthood of all Believers.  There is a difference between the priesthood of the Old Testament in the nation of Israel and the priesthood of the New Testament.  This is because of the work of Christ in His perfect life and sacrificial death.  They discuss the terms “priest” and “pastor” as they are used in churches today as well as the difference between the role of the pastor and the individual believer.  Every individual Christian can and should serve as God’s witness to the world.  They also point out how important this Biblical truth was in the foundation and development of the early Reformation.  We pray that this discussion is beneficial for you and in your understanding of God’s purpose for His church.

Bible Study – Genesis

Bible Study – Genesis

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Mark Tiefel take us into the very first book of the Bible, the Old Testament book of Genesis. This book is foundational for the rest of the Old and New Testaments and gives an answer for many of the big questions of life. How did life begin? Why is there sin in the world? Why are there so many languages? and many more. They talk about the reliability of this important book and the main purpose, which is to show that God worked through and in History to fulfill His plan of salvation for the human race in the person of Jesus Christ. We pray that this study is insightful and rewarding for you, and we encourage you to pick up your Bible and study it again for yourself.The Holy Spirit will bless your study!

Word of the Week: PROPITIATION

Word of the Week: PROPITIATION

In our Word of the Week, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew, digs into the Bible to define the important Biblical word Propitiation.  This word describe the payment that Christ made through His blood at the the cross to pay the debt of our sin completely.  Through Christ our debt is PAID IN FULL.  There is nothing more that can or needs to be done for our salvation.  Christ’s sacrifice for sin is for every sinner.  It is full and it is free.  Listen and grow in your knowledge of the great things God has done for us in Christ.

Review – "Trust in You" by Lauren Daigle

Review – "Trust in You" by Lauren Daigle

In this episode Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Neal Radichel discuss and review Lauren Daigle’s new song, “Trust in You.” They will also offer a framework that listeners can use to analyze music they listen to at home. It’s called the ABC’s. Is it Appropriate? Is it Biblical? and Does it Direct us to Christ? Listen to their evaluation of this song which is popular on Christian Radio today.

Bible Study – The Gospel of John

Bible Study – The Gospel of John

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Mark Tiefel and Nathanael Mayhew take us into the Gospel of John.  John’s Gospel is different than the other three Gospels.  He emphasizes that Jesus is true God and records miracles and words of Jesus that reinforce that truth.  John points out that Jesus was God, but that He came in the flesh to give His life as the sacrifice needed to redeem sinners.  Jesus is “The Word,” “the Lamb,” and “the Messiah” and more.  He is also the Great “I AM” of the Old Testament, Jehovah Himself.  Jesus says He is the I AM, Yahweh.  John points to these I AM statements of Jesus throughout His Gospel to show that Jesus was Yahweh.  The Jews recognized what Jesus was saying and wanted to kill Him because He had blasphemed by calling Himself God.  John also makes a connection between Jesus and Life.  Jesus is Life (John 14:6), and the Life that Jesus brings to the world through His death and resurrection is received by us through faith.

Review – The Defense Never Rests by Craig Parton

Review – The Defense Never Rests by Craig Parton

In this episode Pastors Mark Tiefel and Nathanael Mayhew discuss and review Craig Parton’s book, “The Defense Never Rests.”  This book is apologetic in nature, meaning that it is a defense of the Christian faith.  In this book Parton discusses the importance of the Biblical teachings of the Law and the Gospel, the need to emphasize God’s teaching of sin, and the importance of the true teaching of the Sacraments.  He says that while these teachings are lost in modern evangelicalism, they are found and clearly taught in true Lutheranism.  This is a valuable read for any Christian who is looking for the truth of God’s Word.

Word of the Week: CONFESSION

Word of the Week: CONFESSION

In our Word of the Week, Pastor Mark Tiefel takes us into the Bible to define the Biblical word Confession.  This word literally means to “speak the same thing.”  Consider the use of the word “confession” in the following passages: Romans 10:10, 1 Timothy 6:12-13, Hebrews 4:14, Hebrews 10:23-25, Leviticus 16:21, Psalm 32:5, 1 John 1:8-9t.  God calls us to confess our faith with others who speak the same thing.  We are also to confess our sins before God and one another, and receive the Lord’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ.  Listen and grow in your knowledge of this important Biblical word

CPR – The Doctrine of Inspiration (Part 2)

CPR – The Doctrine of Inspiration (Part 2)

In this episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Neal Radichel and
Nathanael Mayhew go back to discuss the doctrine of inspiration.  In this episode they build on the internal evidence for inspiration by discussing the external evidence for the inspiration of the Bible.  They will talk about how prophecy, the unity of Scripture, answers to the big questions of life and the historical accuracy of Scripture give evidence for divine inspiration.  In addition, the Bible changes the lives of those who are brought to faith, and it has been supernaturally preserved throughout history.  While this will not convert anyone, it does give evidence to the obviously unique and supernatural charactaristics of the Bible.  Thanks be to God!

Word of the Week: CHASTISEMENT

Word of the Week: CHASTISEMENT

n our Word of the Week, Pastor Mark Tiefel, goes back to the Bible
define the important Biblical word Chastisement.  This word describes God’s love for sinners in disciplining them when they do wrong.  One of the purposes of God’s Word is to discipline us.  God desires to lead us to repentance over our sins.  Ultimately, God has placed His judgment or discipline for our sin upon Jesus at the cross that we might be declared not guilty by God.  Yes, God is love, and His love is even demonstrated in the discipline we receive from Him.  Listen and grow in your knowledge of this
important Biblical word.

Bible Study – Ecclesiastes

Bible Study – Ecclesiastes

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Neal Radichel and Nathanael Mayhew
take us into the Old Testament book of Ecclesiastes.  For many people this is a very confusing book, but in this study they discuss the how to dig into this valuable book and how to properly understand it.  They talk about Hebrew poetry and how it is used in this book.  The main purpose of this book is to show that any life that is lived apart from God is worthless, no matter what that person might achieve.  It is only through our relationship with God and the salvation He has won for us in Christ that we find purpose in this life, as well as in the life to come.