Word of the Week: MISSION
In our Word of the Week, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew discusses the word “mission” as it relates to the work of Jesus, and the mission He has given to His church. The word “mission” means to “send or be sent for some duty or purpose”. The word itself is not used often in many Bible translations, but the concept is. Jesus was given a mission. He was sent for the purpose of destroying the works of the devil and by His life and death delivering sinners from death and the curse of sin. Jesus accomplished that mission when He died on the cross. He also sends His followers out with the mission of serving as witnesses of that accomplished fact. He sends those who know and believe in Him out to “teach all things that He has commanded.” We don’t have to cross the globe to carry out this mission. It begins in our own homes with our families, with our neighbors and friends. Father’s play a vital role in that mission, as they are to teach their children the truths of God’s Word, and bring them up in the “instruction of the Lord” (Eph 6:4). Thanks be to Jesus for accomplishing His mission of saving us sinners of which we are missionaries!