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Author: Nathanael Mayhew

Bible Study – Revelation

Bible Study – Revelation

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Nathanael Mayhew and Rob Sauers dig into the complex and comforting book of Revelation.  This last book of the New Testament was written by the Apostle John in the 90’s AD while he was exiled on an island called Patmos.  Here he writes to seven churches of the early church describing for them the visions which the Lord Jesus gave him to assure and comfort His church, both then and now.  Remember that that book of Revelation is a symbolic book as John describes in the very first verses, to these are not literal events, but symbolic descriptions of what would take place in the furture.  See our next Revelation podcast on the interpratation of the book for more information on thist topic.  The main message of the book is to show how God in Christ has defeated the death and the Devil and to comfort the troubled child of God with the hope of salvation int and through Christ.  Christ calls us to take comfort and to endure knowing that He is our strength and our redeemer! 

Word of the Week: ENMITY

Word of the Week: ENMITY

Today Pastor Nathanael Mayhew defines the word Enmity as described in Scripture.  Enmity or hatred is obvious in the world around us as seen in human interactions like political rallies or racial riots.  There are many differences between human beings, but Christians have been called out of the world and are to be different than the world.  They are to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15), and to love their enemies (Mattew 5:44).  Christians have been called out of the world, because the world is enmity against God (James 4:4 and Romans 8:7).  Christ came to bring unity, not just between those who believe in Him, no matter who they are or what they have done, but more importantly to bring peace between God and man (Ephesians 2:15-16).  This was the purpose for Jesus coming to earth as a man and living and dying for sinners.  He came to remove the enmity which stood between sinners and a just and holy God.  May that truth bring you peace and comfort in the assurance of your sins forgiven in Christ Jesus!

CPR – Baptism

CPR – Baptism

In this episode, Pastors Neal Radichel and Nathanael Mayhew discuss the topic of Baptism.  They cover many topics related to the form and function of baptism from Scripture.  First, God reveals clearly that Baptism is not a work of human beings, but rather the work of God (Titus 3:5-8).  God is at work through water and His Word to wash away our sins.  They talk about “Believer’s Baptism” the “Age of Accountability” and “Infant Baptism.”  Children are sinful and have Original or Inherited Sin and are in need of the cleansing which God offers through baptism (Psalm 51:5; Acts 2:39).  Scripture also reveals that children can believe (Matthew 18:6).  God’s work of faith is a miracle of His Grace, and it is no less a miracle in a child than in an adult.  Baptism, because it is an act of God and not depending on us, is a one-time act. There is no need to be rebaptized again and again because you have fallen into sin.  There is also a connection between Circumcision in the Old Testament and Baptism in the New Testament (Colossians 2:11-12) which point to the foundation for infant baptism.  Regarding the form of baptism they show that the idea of immersion in baptism is forced on the Biblical accounts of Matthew 3 and Acts 8 in particular.  The Greed word “Baptizo” means to “wash” and does not neccesitate washing by immersion.  What a blessing God has given to sinners through Baptism!     

Word of the Week: GOSPEL

Word of the Week: GOSPEL

As we contine in the Epiphany season, Pastor Mark Tiefel defines the word Gospel in the Scriptures.  The word Gospel is used so often in our society that it looses its meaning in the true Biblical meaning.  Literally the word means “Good News” or “Evangelism.”  Isaiah says that the Good News of Salvation is what the Gospel is.  Jesus is the fulfillment of this Gospel.  Jesus preached the Gospel and healed people from sickenesses.  There is a distinction between these two.  Paul says that the Gospel “is the power of God unto salvation” (Romans 1:16).  The Gospel why we have the hope of heaven (Colossians 1:5,23).  The real Gospel message is not about prosperity here on earth or political or social causes, but simply about the forgiveness of sins through Christ.  Thanks be to God!



In this episode, Pastors Mark Tiefel and Neal Radichel discuss everything from Abortion rights and Abortion “exceptions”, as well as Bible quotations that shed light on life before and after birth and conception.  What kind of impact has Abortion had on our society?  How has Abortion affected relationships and a mother’s responsibility?  What can a Christian or non-Christian recognize about the growing scientific evidense since the Supreme Court’s ruling in the early 1970’s?  What can an individual do in the wake of the political protests recently on Abortion throughout our nation?  Explore the depths of these questions in light of God’s Word and the staggering effects we see of the choices on either side that are made today!

Bible Study – Daniel

Bible Study – Daniel

In this Bible Study episode, Pastors Mark Tiefel and Nathanael Mayhew take us into the Old Testament book of Daniel.  While the book of Daniel has many familiar sections which descibe the life of Daniel while in captivity by the Babylonians, there are many unfamiliar sections as well.  Daniel is set at the time of the Babylonian Captivity around 600B.C. when Nebuchadnezzar conquered the nation of Judah and took many of its people captive, including Daniel.  The first part of the book underscrores the importance of faith in the words and promises of the LORD, confidence in His power and protection, and prayer.  This is seen through the life of Daniel and his three friends.  But it also presents the believer in Jesus with the assuranace that the LORD God is in control, will bring about His promised salvation for sinners through the coming Christ, and will defeat the ungodly forces prevalent in this fallen world.  The LORD would even work in and through heathen kingdoms like the Babylonians, Greeks and Romans to prepare the way for His coming salvation.  The LORD’s love for sinners and His salvation would be come to pass in the life and the death of Jesus, the Christ. 

Word of the Week: GENTILE

Word of the Week: GENTILE

As we contine in the Epiphany season, Pastor Nathanael Mayhew takes a look at the word Gentile in the Scriptures.  The word Gentile is used in both the Old and New Testaments to distinguish between God’s Old Testament people Israel and the other nations of the world.  While Christianity is often veiwed by people in the world as an exclusive religion, just the opposite is actually true.  From the very beginning of His choosing Abraham as the father of His people, God’s plan was to bring about a Savior for all the nations of the earth (Genesis 12:3).  This continued to be revealed througout the Old Testament as God reached out through His Old Testament people to save Gentiles like Rahab, Ruth, Naaman, and even the people of Nineveh.  In the same way God reaches out through His New Testament people to save those who are lost today. Peter writes: “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy” (1 Peter 2:9-10). Christianity proclaims a salvation through Jesus Christ that has been won for all sinners, whether Jew or Gentile.  Paul writes:  “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Gentile” (Romans 1:16).  Thanks be to God for the inclusive nature of His salvation for all sinners through faith in Jesus!

Review – God is on the move by 7eventh Time Down

Review – God is on the move by 7eventh Time Down

In this musice review episode Pastors Neal Radichel and Mark Tiefel discuss and review 7eventh Time Down’s new song, “God is on the Move.”  They will be using their ABC’s:  Is it Appropriate? Is it Biblical? and Does it Direct us to Christ?  This song is very popular in Contemporary Christian Music and has been in the top 10.  Listen to the song and their evaluation and learn how to apply the ABC’s to music you listen to as well.

Word of the Week: EQUALITY

Word of the Week: EQUALITY

As our country remembers Martin Luther King Jr. on this day, Pastor Mark Tiefel discusses the word “Equality.”  True equality is found in Christ Jesus who became “poor” that we might become “rich” (2 Corinthians 8:9).  Jesus humbled Himself unto death that we might be reconciled to God.  In Christ, we have been set free, and through Christ all arbitrary distinctions of the world have been erased through faith.  Paul says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28).  But we are not to use our freedom as a reason to or excuse for sin.  Quite often the world calls for “equality” that is actually in opposition to God’s Word.  We find this in the home, in the church, and with respect to our leaders in government.  When one fights for freedom that is opposed to God’s Word it actually detracts from the liberty that is found in Christ.  Ultimately our lives center on God our Savior who has come for us and paid for our sins.

CPR – Don't Judge Me (Skeptic Series)

CPR – Don't Judge Me (Skeptic Series)

In this episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Neal Radichel and Nathanael Mayhew take up a Skeptics approach to Judging others.  The phrase “Don’t Judge Me” is heard by many Christians who seek to lead a friend or fellow believer out of sin.  In this episode they talk about the purpose of pointing out sin and the proper, God pleasing and even demanded judgment that we should carry out as Christians.  One passage that is often quoted is Matthew 7:1 where Jesus says: “Judge not, lest you be judged.”  But the context of this verse shows that Christians are called to judge, but with righteous judgment and by first confessing one’s own sin before pointing out the sin of another.  They will also discuss the account of the woman caught in adultery in John 8 as an example from Jesus Himself of proper Christian judgment.  May the Lord give us all wisdom and humility as we encourage and admonish one another in this sin-filled world!