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Tag: Believers

Reformation Special – The Priesthood of All Believers (CPR)

Reformation Special – The Priesthood of All Believers (CPR)

In this special Reformation episode of Conservative Pastor Response Pastors Neal Radichel and Mark Tiefel discuss the important Reformation topic of the Priesthood of all Believers.  There is a difference between the priesthood of the Old Testament in the nation of Israel and the priesthood of the New Testament.  This is because of the work of Christ in His perfect life and sacrificial death.  They discuss the terms “priest” and “pastor” as they are used in churches today as well as the difference between the role of the pastor and the individual believer.  Every individual Christian can and should serve as God’s witness to the world.  They also point out how important this Biblical truth was in the foundation and development of the early Reformation.  We pray that this discussion is beneficial for you and in your understanding of God’s purpose for His church.